Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Ramble on Mondays 3 (on Tuesday!)

Hey lovers! I'm sure you're wondering where your favorite Taylor has been. Or not. I spent Sunday night and most of Monday at DB's cabin. I had a great time, it was really relaxing, his family owns a ton o' land in the middle of the wilderness; we wandered around for hours without seeing anybody.

We could have (but didn't...or did we?) lived as nudists and nobody would've known.

We also could have had sex in the woods. Unfortunately, I got sick. Damn you, sensitive stomach!!

Highlights of the trip?

  • Seeing a lone turkey and three deer in DB's front yard

  • The fireplace-y, cabin-y sex

  • Exploring the forest until we thought we were lost (we weren't, sillies)

  • The midnight thunderstorm

This week may be full of shitty blog posts, by the way. Just to warn you. I'm working extra hours at Job #1 and then leaving for Michigan's upper peninsula Friday morning. Can't wait!!

Also, I didn't take these pictures.

Where are you guys traveling this summer?


mylittlebecky said...

mmmmm turkeys are my favorite thing to eat! ever! and also cabin sex is good. not to be confused with cabin FEVER which is bad.

Kathy B! said...

Sounds like an awesome trip! It would have been better, though, if you'd have lived as nudists. Well, except for those mosquitos.