Thursday, August 6, 2009

TMI Thursday: Sex Dreams

TMI Thursday
It's TMI Thursday, bitches!! Hosted by the lovely LiLu, as always.

DB and I were talking about sex dreams yesterday. He has them a lot apparently and I have them occasionally. We discussed who we dream about, how often, and whether or not this reflects a true desire for the dreamt person. What do you think, by the way? I'm curious.

Anyways. Here's a peek into our convo:

DB: I don't think the dreams mean anything at all. I mean, I do some pretty fucked-up things when I'm dreaming.
Tay: Ooh, like what?
DB: What? I'm not gonna tell you. It's horrible.
Tay: Now you've got me interested! You have to tell me.
DB: Nope. Too disgusting for the girlfriend's ears.
Tay: Puh-puh... pweeease *insert Taylor's adorable pleading face here*
DB: I've fucked my mom.
Tay: *pause* Ahahahahahaha!!!
DB: Multiple times.
Tay: Ahahahahahahaha!!
(this goes on for about a minute)
DB: I've fucked my dad.
(this goes on for the rest of the car ride)

So. Should I be worried?


Wicked Courtni said...

I am dying of mortification for you.

This is classic foot-in-mouth example of you really didnt wanna know.

JennyMac said...

OMG....Thank god I don't know was DB looks like so I dont have to get a visual of DB and parents doing it.

Bret said...

That is just horrible. Not something anyone needs a picture of!

Laila P said...

I've dreamt about guys I'd never look at twice in real life. So I don't think it reflects a genuine desire for the person you're dream-fucking. At least I hope not after reading that, for your sake!

Anonymous said...

That is seriously strange!

I have had dreams about people I never previously found attractive. But then when I see them again (post-dream), I often find myself attracted to them because of the dream. It's like my subconscious knows who I fancy before I do.

Cassie said...

Really?? Or was he just kidding with you?

I don't really think dream sex means anything though. I usually either dream about celebrities or random people I saw that day that I have no actual attraction to.

rachaelgking said...

PLEASE tell us he was kidding...

Vie said...

OK. Totally understandable why you'd be a bit freaked out.

BUT...some psychologists think that dreams are nothing more than random neural processing. AKA, the last things your boyfriend was thinking about before he went to sleep were sex and his parents. I'm assuming he's sane, so he probably wasn't thinking about those things together, but in dream land, weird shit happens, and stuff combines.

I wouldn't stress. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wicked Courtni: Exactly. I could've lived my whole life without knowing that my boyfriend dream-fucks both his parents.

JennyMac: All the more reason to pity me.

Bret: I agree completely.

Nic: God, I hope you're right!

Blueskies: I can relate most to you. I usually have dreams about people I like/used to like, and then I find myself liking them even more/re-liking them when I wake up. Does that make sense?

Cassie: I know when he's kidding. And sadly, he was not.

LiLu: I wish I could, darling.

Vie: That makes sense. *phew* I feel better about it now.

Alyxherself said...

Yeah, Vie is totally right, but still.....I would file this under don't ask unless you really wanna know...I reaaalllyyy wouldn't have wanted to know. Bleh.

Zan said...

