Monday, July 6, 2009

Apparently ipods and alcohol don't mix well

Here's what I remember about Friday night:


I realized it was missing when I woke up Saturday morning afternoon. My beautiful, brand-spankin-new 16G orange ipod. A very expensive gift from DB.


I searched the party hostess' house. FAIL.
I searched my car. FAIL.
I searched her car. FAIL.
I asked everybody who was still there. FAIL.
I even facebooked it:

Taylor has lost her ipod. It's orange. Anybody? FAIL.

I proceeded to freak the fuck out.

Before fireworks on Saturday, I searched my house/room/pants/everywhere.

Yep, you guessed it. FAIL.

On Sunday I went to Best Buy and bought another brand-spankin-new 16G orange ipod. DB thinks I found it.

A $230 gift to myself.

The party was totally worth it though.


rachaelgking said...

I would have, too.

P.S. I accidentally clicked on that tequila pic and I might throw up now.

Jenn said...

I'm sad that it didn't turn up :( said...

I love that you let him think you found it= WIN!